Marriage and Family Therapy

What to Know About Infertility and Drug Addiction

What to Know About Infertility and Drug Addiction

A wide range of research has been done on the health difficulties that people with substance use disorders face. Many of these difficulties vary depending on the drugs they take, their level of consumption, genetics, and other factors.

Infertility affects over 15% of all couples trying to conceive, and in nearly half of these cases, male infertility is the primary or contributing issue. Moreover, male fertility decrease is not a hypothetical threat: research refers to a constantly ongoing decline in sperm concentration over the last 35 years. These results have sparked interest in the possible influence of environmental variables and lifestyle on fertility: identifying avoidable factors is critical to reducing the socioeconomic costs of male infertility and the accompanying burdens on public health.

This information is not intended to diagnose anyone with a reproductive health problem. Instead, it is used to educate individuals about drug and alcohol misuse and reproductive health.

Substance Abuse and the Female Reproductive System

  • An increased risk of infection: Drug and alcohol abuse can lead to dangerous behaviors or a lack of attention to personal care, making an individual more vulnerable to various illnesses and infections. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can impact a woman's fertility. Other infectious illnesses can affect the reproductive system due to hazardous behaviors or a lack of personal cleanliness or personal care due to a substance use issue.
  • Menstrual cycle disruption: The use of drugs and alcohol can cause a disruption in a woman's menstrual cycle and potentially lead to the disorder known as amenorrhea (the absence of a menstrual period). When this disease persists, it can have an impact on reproductive health
  • Cancer risks: Women who consume drugs and alcohol are more likely to develop a variety of malignancies, including cancers of the reproductive organs. Drug and alcohol issues raise the risk of various infections, and infections such as the human papillomavirus have been associated with an increased risk of developing specific malignancies such as cervical cancer.
  • Problems with fertility and reproductive health: Female fertility can be affected by drug and alcohol usage. For example, researchers discovered that women with alcohol use problems are more likely to have reproductive issues than women who don’t consume any alcohol.
  • Sexual dysfunction: Substance abuse can affect sexual performance, including a woman's sexual desire, ability to attain sexual arousal, and ability to enjoy pleasure.
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Substance Abuse and the Male Reproductive System

  • Reproductive issues: A variety of drugs and alcohol can cause fertility issues in men. Abuse of cocaine, cannabis, and alcohol, can cause changes in hormone levels that influence sperm production and movement. In addition, abuse of performance-enhancing medications can raise testosterone levels, causing testicular atrophy and decreased sperm production.
  • Sexual dysfunction: Males who use drugs or alcohol may experience problems with sexual desire. Even small doses of alcohol can cause temporary impotence, worsening with continued alcohol consumption. Other central nervous system depressants can also cause sexual dysfunction. Chronic amphetamine abuse can also result in erectile dysfunction.
  • Illnesses and infections: Just like women, using drugs and alcohol can cause problems with self-care, personal hygiene, and increased susceptibility to infectious diseases such as STDs. In addition, illnesses such as HIV and hepatitis, as well as other blood-borne infections, are increased by intravenous drug use and needle sharing.
  • Cancer risk: Drug and alcohol use increases the chance of developing various cancers that can damage sexual function and the reproductive system. This involves a higher risk of testicular cancer.
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