Cocaine Addiction Detox

Cocaine Addiction Detox

At Passages Malibu, we provide a comfortable and supervised detox. Our detox programs for alcohol addiction, drug addiction, and prescription drug addiction are all carefully monitored by our clinically trained staff.

There are many treatment centers that provide cocaine detox, but at Passages, our cocaine addiction detox program is effective, efficient, and safe. We have nurses on staff 24 hours a day, seven days a week to ensure that you are well taken care of. Our expert staff has treated thousands of people suffering from cocaine addiction, and they are truly experts in the fields of holistic treatment and stimulant detox.

Do not hesitate to call us. Our team of knowledgeable and caring staff awaits, and we are ready to give you more information about our cocaine treatment program. Call Now!

Alcohol Detox
Passages offers a safe and effective detox from alcohol.

Drug Detox
We are experienced in treating drug addiction and providing a comprehensive supervised drug detox.

Prescription Drug Detox
We specialize in treating all types of prescription drug addiction and provide a detox.

Treatment Methods

Treatment Methods

Learn about our holistic, one-on-one and non-12 step treatment methods.

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The Passages Difference

How is Passages Different?

At Passages, we do not label you an addict or alcoholic.

Learn Why
Cocaine Addiction Detox

Get the Help You Need

Passages accepts most insurance policies, making it even more affordable to get the treatment you need and deserve. Verify your coverage below or call us anytime.

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Cocaine Addiction Detox

Get the Help You Need

Passages accepts most insurance policies, making it even more affordable to get the treatment you need and deserve. Verify your coverage below or call us anytime.

Check Insurance888.920.8849