Ecstasy Addiction Rehab Center

MDMA Ecstasy Rehab Center

At Passages Malibu, we begin treating your ecstasy addiction by providing a fully supervised ecstasy detox. We can help you put an end to ecstasy abuse once and for all by applying for our intensive treatment program, exclusive therapeutic methods, and world-renowned addiction treatment philosophy. As a part of the exclusive Passages Malibu rehab group, you will never be labeled or treated as the generic "addict." Instead, we will seek to treat your ecstasy addiction on an individual basis, taking into consideration your personal history, career pressures, relationship issues, and body chemistry. Pick up the phone and call us to get help with your ecstasy addiction today.

Symptoms & Dangers of Ecstasy Addiction

Ecstasy is a man-made psychedelic drug with hallucinogenic properties. Ecstasy's active ingredient, MDMA (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine), acts as a psychoactive stimulant, causing hyperawareness of the senses, heightened empathy, emotional openness, and intense euphoria. Fueled by a release of the neurotransmitters Serotonin and Norepinephrine, ecstasy users experience a rush of energy and happiness, leading to feelings of hyperactivity and emotional connectedness. However, due to the rapid release of Serotonin, ecstasy users experience the depletion of this vital neurotransmitter in the days following an ecstasy trip, leading to depression, anxiety, and lethargy.

One of the most serious risks of ecstasy addiction is dehydration, which leads to intense fevers, overheating, and in some cases possibly death. With continual use, ecstasy users can also experience other side effects such as tooth and gum disease, bruxism (teeth grinding), jaw clenching, and high blood pressure. Chronic ecstasy use can also lead to severe depression, anxiety, lethargy, memory loss, and cognitive disturbances.

If you or someone you love is addicted to ecstasy, call now to learn more about our treatment program and non-12 Step, non-disease addiction philosophy.

Alcohol Rehab Center
Passages offers comfortable and effective individual addiction treatment therapy.

Drug Rehab Center
Our drug rehab program will help you find, treat and heal the cause of your drug addiction.

Prescription Drug Rehab Center
Prescription drug abuse is an extremely widespread problem due to the addictive qualities of these drugs.

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MDMA Ecstasy Rehab Center

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MDMA Ecstasy Rehab Center

Make This Moment Count!

Asking for help takes great courage. We are happy you have taken the time to read more about us and learn about the treatment programs we offer.

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