Meet Pax Prentiss, CEO

Meet Pax Prentiss, CEO

Hi, my name is Pax Prentiss. I am the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Passages Addiction Treatment Centers, along with my father, Chris Prentiss. Together, we opened Passages Malibu in 2001, Passages Ventura in 2009, and then Passages Santa Monica Sober Living, Passages Venice Outpatient Rehab, Passages Beverlywood Outpatient Rehab, and Passages Brentwood Sober Living. It is because of our deep desire to help save the lives of people who are suffering from drug and alcohol dependency that our breakthrough program has evolved from a harrowing firsthand experience with my addictions to an extraordinary treatment program that people from all over the world have been able to experience.

For ten miserable years, I was addicted to heroin, cocaine, and alcohol. I was using drugs and alcohol to numb the pain of my underlying problems, which were low self-esteem, depression and anxiety. I was using drugs for the same reason most people use these substances—I was trying to escape from my problems and avoid the feeling of pain that I was experiencing in my everyday life.

In the late 1990s, when I was using, I did things that I never thought I would do.

I lied, stole, cheated my friends and loved ones, pawned my possessions, conned credit card companies, and passed bad checks. It was bad. Soon I had nothing left, but I was still willing to sacrifice whatever I could so that I could get money for drugs. I reached an extremely low point where I began stealing heroin from dealers, and eventually, I was caught, beaten nearly to death, and hospitalized.

You would think that nearly being killed would stop me from using, but I didn't. I continued year after year until I had no friends and alienated my family. My health became in critical danger from constantly poisoning my body and getting sick. I remember a time near the end of my 10-year run when I was standing in the street, trying to sell my shoes for $10 so I could buy more heroin.

Throughout that horrific time in my life, my dad continuously tried to help me get sober as I fought to break free from my addictions. I detoxed myself at home, went to AA meetings, attended 12 Step treatment centers, and tried everything else that was available at that time. None of it worked. I continued to relapse time and time again. I couldn’t figure out why this kept happening or how to end this vicious cycle.

Meet Pax Prentiss

About Pax Prentiss

Addiction nearly took his life, but after 10 years of struggling with substance abuse related issues him and his dad, Chris Prentiss, designed a customized treatment program that successfully changed the course of his life, forever. Pax has now been sober for nearly 20 years.

I finally realized why I continued to relapse. It’s because of the antiquated treatment philosophy that’s based on the disease concept and 12 Step methods, which focused on group therapy instead of individual care and labeled you an addict for life. My dad and I realized it wasn't just about quitting the drug and alcohol abuse, but rather learning why you use and then healing it.

The resources I had available at that time provided me with zero therapy to help me discover the "WHY" behind my using. For years, I was chasing a high, and I had no idea why. Until one day it came to me. I successfully discovered my why and then my dad and I designed a customized treatment program complete with holistic and non-12 Step therapy methods to help heal the underlying conditions to my substance abuse related issues. It is because of this treatment that my dad and I created; I was able to break free from my addictions and began living a healthy and happy life—one where I could finally feel confident and proud.

From that moment on, I knew there was something I had to do to try and help other people overcome similar issues such as the ones I faced. Together, my father and I imagined the kind of program that focused on me as an individual, offered more one-on-one therapy available anywhere else, did not believe in the disease concept and did not look at me as an addict, but rather as a person who needed to heal his core issues. We were determined to change the way addiction was treated so that people could discover a life free from substance abuse and thrive in every area of their life, just like I had discovered.

This non-12 Step holistic treatment method and philosophy my father and I designed has helped thousands of people from all over the world get sober at Passages. They once suffered and struggled just like I did.

At Passages Addiction Treatment Centers, we deliver the most comprehensive, holistic, state-of-the-art program in the world for drug and alcohol addiction. We put every ounce of effort into helping you heal your core issues and empowering with the proper tools you need so that you can return home with a new sense of freedom and good health.

It worked for me, and I know it can work for you. Don’t wait! Make This Moment Count!

Pax Prentiss
Pax Prentiss

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Pax Prentiss

The Journey to
Sobriety Begins Today

Don’t wait another day to get the help you need. Our admissions specialists are standing by 24/7 to answer your questions. Call anytime or verify your insurance benefits online now.

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