Valium Rehab Center

Valium Rehab Center

If you want to put a permanent end to your Valium addiction, you’ve come to the right place. At Passages Malibu, we offer the most comprehensive addiction treatment program in the world. No matter what circumstances drove you to your current Valium addiction, our team of professional therapists and nurses will help you quit your prescription medication abuse. Make this moment count and call our treatment center now.

Symptoms & Dangers of Addiction to Valium

Benzodiazepines such as Valium have a very high addictive potential and many negative side effects. Statistically, people who abuse Valium are also likely to abuse alcohol and other dangerous substances. Slurred speech, slowed heart rate, clouded thinking, delayed reaction time, and uncoordinated movements are common signs of Valium abuse. Sleepiness, lethargy, and an inability to correctly perceive events may also occur. Benzodiazepines have a very long half-life, which means they stay in your body for a long period of time, causing the drug to build-up your system.

If you’re suffering from Valium dependency, take action now and call Passages.

Alcohol Rehab Center
Passages offers comfortable and effective individual addiction treatment therapy.

Drug Rehab Center
Our drug rehab program will help you find, treat and heal the cause of your drug addiction.

Prescription Drug Rehab Center
Prescription drug abuse is an extremely widespread problem due to the addictive qualities of these drugs.

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Valium Rehab Center

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Valium Rehab Center

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Are you ready to experience Passages Malibu? Call us anytime or verify your insurance coverage below.

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