Health and Fitness Evaluation

Health and Fitness Evaluation

At Passages, we believe that physical health correlates strongly with emotional well-being. Within your first week at Passages, we conduct a comprehensive health and fitness evaluation and create a customized plan with our personal trainers and medical staff to meet your health and fitness goals. Whether it’s becoming active for the first time in years or ramping up your existing fitness routine, we work closely with you to develop a plan that meets your needs and works at your pace. Even for clients that may be limited due to mobility issues or injury, our health and fitness team can create incremental goals to improve your physical health and well-being.

Our expert training staff is licensed and specializes in training clients at all levels of ability. Sessions are conducted one on one or in very small groups to ensure that you are getting individualized attention and can work towards your specific needs and goals. Clients who attend Passages leave feeling more energized and physically healthy, which then prepares them for their path of recovery.

Health and Fitness Evaluation

Contact Passages Malibu

Call Passages Malibu anytime for treatment and pricing options. You can also verify your insurance benefits online by pressing the button below.

Check Insurance888.920.8849
Health and Fitness Evaluation

Contact Passages Malibu

Call Passages Malibu anytime for treatment and pricing options. You can also verify your insurance benefits online by pressing the button below.

Check Insurance888.920.8849

Treatments & Sessions

At Passages Malibu, we offer an exclusive variety of holistic treatment methods. Our unique and non-12 Step approach to healing the underlying conditions of substance abuse related issues includes customized program options for each one of our clients. It is our mission that each client receives the most state of the art quality care available. We invite you to explore what Passages has in store for you.

Health and Fitness Evaluation