Can You Get Addicted to Drugs and Alcohol if You Only Do it Once in a While?

Can You Get Addicted to Drugs and Alcohol if You Only Do it Once in a While?

Can You Get Addicted to Drugs and Alcohol
if You Only Do it Once in a While?

Addiction may occur at any moment when you use addictive drugs, even if you only use them occasionally. Almost no one uses drugs or alcohol to become addicted. Instead, most individuals intend to use them sporadically. If you are concerned that you have become addicted to drugs and alcohol, Passages can help.

Drugs and alcohol are made of various harmful chemicals that have many troubling effects on the body and brain. When a person consumes drugs and alcohol, chemicals make their way to the brain, impacting how a person feels, thinks, and behaves. For example, when someone is under the influence of drugs and alcohol, they tend to overreact in situations, create unnecessary drama, suppress stress, become dehydrated, neglect responsibilities, develop vitamin deficiencies, and have incoherent conversations.

Drugs and alcohol interfere with the typical traffic pattern that neurotransmitters use. Chemical structures in drugs typically imitate and fool receptors locking and altering activities of the nerve cells. The alteration can cause neuro messages to go in the wrong direction and can also reset how the brain reacts, processes, and retains information and affect the way you learn, think, focus, and remember. Other issues caused by substance abuse include disruption of nutrients needed by brain tissue, the cause of killing brain cells, including neurotransmitter receptors, and the deprivation of oxygen to brain tissue.

Our brains are wired to help us repeat experiences that make us feel good, specifically the pleasure sensors. Addictive drugs and alcohol target the reward system of the brain. Chemical dopamine goes into the brain and triggers a feeling of pleasure. That’s why many people use and abuse drugs and alcohol when coping with complex issues in life such as grief, stress, loneliness, or boredom. They use addictive substances to escape the pain (current conditions causing discomfort or trouble), a chemical imbalance, unresolved issues from the past, or untrue beliefs they continue to tell themselves.

Whether you’re aware of why you’re abusing drugs and alcohol or not, our therapists will work with you to find new and healthier methods to cope with the pain you’re experiencing. Learning new ways to deal with challenging situations in your life can help you avoid relapse and stay focused and healthy.

Depending on how long you’ve been using substances and the amount you’ve been consuming, detox can range from 1 to 2 weeks. After completing a supervised detox, it’s essential to begin working towards healing from the underlying causes of your drug and alcohol abuse.

According to research, harsh living situations such as poverty or abuse significantly raise the likelihood of alcohol addiction. In addition, individuals who struggle with mental health issues often turn to drugs and alcohol to cope.

Addiction can make your life miserable. It can rob you of your health, wealth, relationships, career, etc. So when you’re ready to get help, please contact Passages immediately. Our holistic treatment programs will astound you.

While some treatment programs do not work or shame you for having a substance abuse-related issue, Passages offers comprehensive addiction therapy in a private and healing oasis. As a result, you will be able to make the most of every moment of treatment. In addition, unlike most other rehab centers, all of our non-12-step therapy methods are customized so that each client has the opportunity to achieve total wellness and lasting sobriety.

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