Barbiturates Rehab Center

Relapse Prevention Tips

Relapse Prevention Tips

Relapse prevention is a vital part of the recovery process. The longer you're sober, the more likely you want to continue living a healthy lifestyle. Of course, this is true for any addiction. However, it's especially true for individuals with a previous addiction to drugs and alcohol who have been in recovery for an extended period of time and have developed new habits that keep them out of danger. But there will always be some degree of risk associated with relapse—and it can sneak up on you when you least expect it. That's why it's essential to plan for potential triggers and relapse-inducing situations by developing strategies to help keep you on track throughout sobriety.

Learn the signs of a relapse.

  • You have cravings for drugs or alcohol
  • You start using drugs or alcohol again
  • You become irritable or angry
  • You think you can start using drugs and alcohol safely
  • ou have underlying issues that have come up again

If you notice any of these symptoms in yourself or someone struggling with addiction recovery, it is essential not to ignore them. If left unattended for too long without addiction treatment, relapses can lead to full-blown addictions and can even be fatal if not addressed with treatment.

Work on your emotional intelligence to identify triggers early.

For you to be able to recognize your emotions, you must develop your emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to identify and manage emotions in yourself and others. It's a skill that can be learned through practice and training; if you want to improve yours, start by recognizing when negative feelings arise in yourself or others around you--and then work on managing those feelings appropriately. You can do this through meditation and breathwork.

Establish a supportive recovery community.

One of the most critical aspects of relapse prevention is establishing a supportive recovery community. This can be made up of friends, family members, or professionals who are committed to helping you stay on track with your recovery goals. Your support system can be in person or online, but it's essential that you find people who share your values and beliefs about addiction recovery so that they can help motivate you when necessary.

Develop a strong support system.

It's essential to have people who will support you and help you stay sober. Friends, family members, and other people with similar experiences can be great resources for this. Support groups are another way to meet people going through similar things as you--they may even be able to advise on what worked for them. Surrounding yourself with positive influences will make all the difference when trying to stay sober. Stay away from toxic friends and family members who trigger or encourage drug or alcohol use.

Practice self-care and learn from mistakes.

It's important to practice self-care, whether taking a walk in nature or taking yourself out for a cup of coffee. These things can help you feel better and keep your energy up so that you're more likely to stick with your recovery program.

If you relapse, don't give up. Instead, think about what led to this point--and then find ways of working around those triggers to avoid making the same mistakes again. An excellent way to do this is by journalling your thoughts and feelings.

Remain mindful throughout sobriety.

  • Remain mindful of triggers.
  • Remain mindful of your mental health.
  • Remain mindful of your physical health.
  • Remain mindful of your spiritual health.

Maintaining long-term sobriety requires relapse prevention planning.

Relapse prevention planning involves identifying triggers for substance use, developing strategies to avoid those triggers, building a support system, and learning how to cope with stress without using drugs or alcohol. As a client at Passages, you will have the opportunity to meet with our Aftercare Counselor, who will create a comprehensive plan for after-treatment to keep you on a successful path of recovery. This individualized plan will include resources and other tools that align with your needs. If you ever need to return to rehab for additional treatment, please call Passages any time.

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